The year was 1962…My Mother’s best friend Faye, invited me to spend the day with her. She took me to a fabric shop and together we selected the most gorgeous emerald green taffeta material for a dress that Faye was going to make me later that afternoon.Then after having lunch at a cozy little “grown-up” restaurant, Faye bought me a sparkly pin to wear on the dress.
I remember my Mother asking me at least a dozen times in the weeks that followed , “Did you write Faye a thank-you note?” I’d shake my head and tell her I’d get to it one day soon.
Faye died before that note ever got written. I asked my Mother why she never told me that Faye was terminally ill. She said ,
” Faye asked me not to tell my 5 children because she didn’t want to upset any of you.” But then she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said the words I will never forget… ” Next time, please don’t forget to write your thank-you note.”
My Mother would be happy to know that I never forgot her words. And I believe the message she was trying to convey is important enough to pass on. If someone does something special for you, take a few minutes and write a thank-you note... Don’t procrastinate!
E-mailing is great way to communicate but is no substitute for a heartwarming, handwritten note expressing how much you appreciate a gift.
47 years later…I still have that sparkly pin tucked away in my jewelry box. A constant reminder of that wonderful day.