I have always been a HUGE fan of Sophia Loren and consider her the most gorgeous woman on this planet! Yesterday afternoon, as a thank-you to my darling husband for accompanying me on a shopping excursion, (his least favorite activity), I bought us both a treat at Barnes and Noble. While sipping my delicious hot chocolate, I happened to notice that the lady next to me was showing her husband, Sophia Loren’s picture in this week’s People magazine. I couldn’t resist leaning over and sharing my thoughts about the stunning actress who can you believe is 75 years old and has had NO PLASTIC SURGERY!!
One comment led to another and before we knew it, the four of us were engaged in the most interesting conversation, talking as if we knew each other for years. I enjoy spontaneous encounters and always love making new friends.
The day got even better! After waiting over a year, I finally received a tape of one of my best comedy performances. It was the second half of a show I did when I first got back into comedy, after a five year hiatus. As I sat back and watched it, I actually was laughing and loving it right down to my timing which is always my biggest challenge. I was so pumped up about it, I made an early New Year’s resolution to continue writing comedy. I’ve never had any formal training on how to do stand up comedy. I just decided one day that it would be a great way to make people laugh and most importantly, keep me sane when life threw me some curve balls.
So, if anyone is interested in having me perform for their club/organization/church or synagogue, just send me an email. My dream is to take my act around the country and make people laugh! I hope to inspire folks my age that it’s never to late to try something new!
To David and Stephanie…I can’t wait to see you both again!