On January 11th, my first born child turned 35. It seems like just yesterday, I was bringing him home from the hospital amazed that I had produced such an adorable little guy. By the time he was a toddler, he had a head full of red curls that caused complete strangers to stop in their tracks and stare.
By four years old, he was a little actor performing in shows and entertaining the family with his magnetic personality. At six, he announced that he wanted to be a Lawyer, just like several of his Uncles. He had a game plan and even when life through him a few curve balls, he never ever gave up on his dream.
Today, he is a brilliant Lawyer married to the love of his life and is the Father of the cutest and nicest little 5 year old girl in the world. (I’m her Grandmother so I have bragging rights).
What I find really interesting is that HE remembers ME at 35…As the oldest child, he and I have a lot of fun reminiscing about the old days and comparing our lives at 35.
Happy Birthday Jason…I hope I stick around long enough to one day buy you a membership in the AARP….dear sweet child of my youth!