Today is September 18th…It’s a very special day because the man I love with all my heart turns 58 today. I could fill pages with how I feel about him but instead I will summarize it in a few paragraphs.
I married a man who since the day we exchanged vows, has been my best friend. I’m often asked what is the secret for the longevity of our relationship (32 years) and the answer is quite simple….Be loyal, laugh a lot and know when to stop talking. (I’m still working on that one).
I feel blessed because I have not had to face anything alone since the day we became a couple. He has been by my side for everything….The happy joyful times and the hard times when you feel like you’re going to crack into a million pieces.His actions speak volumes… When he wraps those big strong arms around me, I know that I’ll make it through anything.
I love his work ethics and the way he treats people. I have more respect for him than anyone on this planet.He is a shining example for our children.To me, he is the most wonderful guy in the world and my love for him grows stronger with each passing year. I’ve been crazy about him since the day I met him.
So Birthday Boy…This is for you. Thank-you for being part of my life, for being a loving, devoted husband, father and grandfather. I wish for you a year filled with good health, happiness and lots of laughter.
I love you forever!