I have this gift of intuition …. I call it my inner voice.I feel things when I’m with people often picking up vibes from the tone of their voice, body language and facial expressions. I’ve even picked up feelings from a handshake or a hug.
I’ve been right on target enough through the years to determine… even after a brief encounter…whether a person is being honest with me or trying to sell me a bill of goods. I’ve used this intuition as a tool to help me make good choices both in my personal and professional life.The few times that I didn’t listen to my inner voice I paid for it dearly
I believe that most people have the abilty to develop their intuitiveness if they really put their mind to it. Watch people as they talk to you…Listen very carefully to not only what they are saying but how they are saying it…And trust that gut feeling …Don’t try to rationalize things that don’t feel right…
There is a difference between what I am suggesting and a first impression. With a first impression you may be observing a person without any personal contact …or you may be talking to them on the phone or communicating with them online. Your intuition will kick in when you are actually with the person….looking them in the eyes…and really seeing and hearing them. Sometimes that first impression turns out to be all wrong!
Develop your intuition and it will help you make good decisions through-out your life.