Months ago , I wrote a column about my frustration with skin care companies. (Read Enough Already)
Elizabeth Arden has really pushed my buttons. On the back of the April, 2009 issue of More magazine, there is a full page glossy ad for a product called Prevage body total transforming anti-aging moisturizer. The ad immediately draws attention because the woman is nude with shadows tastefully covering anything that could be interpreted as objectionable. That is not why I am annoyed.
In their attempt to convince over 40 women to buy this product they make a statement that I found quite insulting. …The ad reads…Freckles are definitely not cute anymore.
Here’s what I have to say:
Elizabeth Arden…This 58 year old red headed freckled woman
is NEVER going to buy one of your products again until you remove that line from your ad. You’ve spent millions trying to convince women that aging is something to be ashamed of . You make reference to our age spots, fine lines, crepiness, stretch marks and sagging skin but when you tell the American public that freckles are not cute anymore, YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR!!!
For starters, you have insulted my fellow redheads and lots of other fair skinned women who have lived with freckles most of their lives. What was the purpose of your ad campaign? Did you expect us to look at our naked bodies and go, ” Oh no… According to Elizabeth Arden, one of the most well known and respected companies in America…I’m not cute anymore.”
And furthermore…Be very careful who you insult. Some of the most famous, powerful, influential women in our country have more freckles than a 32 0z bag of chocolate chips. ( A good analogy from someone in the chocolate business).
I’m going to send this column to Elizabeth Arden advertising department,, More Magazine and Dillard’s department store who carry the product. (Their name was listed on the ad).
And if any of my readers have even a smattering of freckles on their adorable faces…please send in your comments. There is certainly power in numbers….