I’ll be curious to see, after this freezing cold winter with record breaking snowfall, how many babies are born in late summer/early fall 2010. I think we are going to see one of the biggest baby booms ever!
I am happy to say that I will not fall into that category. I already have 4 “hurricane” babies and production facilities have been shut down for awhile!
A few weeks ago, while performing comedy at Tomato Tuesdays, I shared a story of how being homebound from all the snow, had put more weight on my tuchas! ” The lights were flickering..I had to eat all the chocolate chip cookie dough icecream …It wasn’t as if I could donate it to Haiti!”
Oh, who cares if I don’t get back my Cindy Crawford figure by this summer! (Just want to see if my readers are paying attention.) I won’t have any time to lounge by the pool. I’ll be much too busy performing the comedy that I created (in between snacks) during the Winter of 2010!