As the holidays approach, I started thinking about some good tips to share to help my readers stay within their budget. With commercials and advertisements bombarding us daily, it is easy to get swept up in the spending spree.
The reality is…Most folks I know have too many every day/real life expenses to go crazy during the holidays. Many of them do anyway because they think it is expected of them.
Here are some suggestions:
Go shopping with a list…Just like in the grocery store, stick to that list and to your budget and don’t become a victim of temptation.
Use a prepaid Visa card to pay for your gifts so you do not max out your regular credit card. Do not walk around with huge sums of cash. Sadly, this is the time of year when thieves are out in full force.
Buy one FUN gift for families on your list (extended family or friends) as opposed to individual gifts for each family member.An example could be a gift certificate to a favorite ice cream shoppe or a terrific new game that the whole family would enjoy.
Create your own holiday cards. If your children are young, this could be a great art project. For older children , let them come up with an original holiday greeting for the inside of the card.
Short on cash? Offer to babysit or run errands for your favorite neighbor, family member or friend. Bake something special for someone who would appreciate a special treat. Offer to help an elderly person do a difficult chore. Create coupons for your services and put them in with your holiday cards.
Get over the guilt that you can’t do more because it isn’t what the season is really about. Years from now, people won’t remember how much money you spent on them….but they will never forget how much you cared!