My youngest daughter Heidi is staying with my husband and me for a while and is working hard to get us both to eat healthier. We’re not the worst eaters on the planet but according to our daughter, there is lots of room for improvement.
When Heidi arrived, she let us know that she no longer ate meat and tried to buy organic food whenever possible. Our first outing was to a popular health food store where sticker shock hit me as I maneuvered my way through the aisles. “How can you pay $6.99 for a tiny little carton of blueberries and $1.79 for one cucumber, even if they are organic?” I asked as I whipped out my calculator to make sure this new way of eating wasn’t going to cost me my mortgage payment. “No problem Mother,” she replied, “I’ve got enough money with me to cover this shopping trip. Just relax and throw a couple of things in the cart for you and Dad.”
With that said, I said goodbye to my husband and daughter and went in search of some tasty organic goodies. Somehow, I made my way to the dessert aisle where I saw a mix for organic brownies. I grabbed that along with some organic white chocolate chips and figured that would get me started on the road to eating healthier.
All kidding aside, for the past two weeks, we’ve been eating some pretty tasty meals. The other night we had squash ravioli and it was scrumptious. Heidi puts together some interesting looking salads and though I have no idea what half the stuff is, it’s all quite delicious.
The other day my husband told our daughter that he and I had to run a few errands. When we got in the car he turned to me and said, “Finally… Just the two of us. Can we go grab a burger with fries…please?” I looked at my newly improved husband with his glowing skin and shrinking waistline and smiled coyly,
“Sure sweetie … As long as it’s a veggie burger with baked sweet potato fries.”