When you reach the second half of your life, it is nice to be able to find a balance between living to survive and living for the moment. You may find yourself thinking about the younger generation’s attitude of “I want to have fun NOW…I have the rest of my life to be a grown-up!” Only you are rewriting the script.”I’ve been a grownup for SO many years and I want to release the child in me and have FUN!” All of a sudden the idea of chucking it all and moving to a tropical paradise sounds very appealing.
Debi is selling off all her worldly possessions so that she and the man she adores can romp barefoot on the beach, dance under the moonlight and live off love.
Of course this is a fantasy that I created in my mind when I realized that retirement and/or long distance adventures isn’t an option in our lives. I live vicariously through the beautiful pictures that family, former classmates and friends post online from the trips they’ve taken around the world. I am truly happy for them.
I try very hard to have those live for the moment times in my own backyard which have included adventures like strolling the streets of our eclectic downtown, taking a drive down the back roads instead of the highways and going on late night dates with my sweetie.
The next day all the obligations are still staring us in the face but my husband and I are smiling because we had a big dose of FUN.
I don’t know how much time I have left on this planet (none of us do) but I’m going to try to fit in as many of those live for the moment times as I can.
They make life SO worth living!