When I turned 60 on January 29th, it didn’t have a negative impact on me. However, it did remind me that time is passing very quickly and if there are things I hope to accomplish…I need to quit talking and start doing!
In the past few years, I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone and enjoyed the results immensely. I shared my funny side with the world. I’ve laughed a lot which I swear is better than any multiple vitamin. I stepped in front of a camera and did some acting which I loved. I wrote a song which I know will be a best seller, once I find the perfect producer. I took professional advice from my son and (with his expertise) created an online presence for my writing and reaped the benefits.
I’ve faced a few obstacles (like vision problems from an assault) that challenged me not only physically but emotionally. I’ve taken six steps forward and six steps backwards all in the same day and then wondered why I ever got out of bed. Sometimes it’s good to face these kind of challenges because it fuels you more to overcome them. You have to find the positive in every situation that life throws your way.
I have a BIG bucket list and it’s not finished yet. I doubt it ever will be because as soon as I cross one thing off my list…I add another.
That’s my way of saying, “The best is yet to come”……