My son Paul is visiting before he takes off on the next leg of his journey. I’m doing something that I haven’t done in a while…cooking all his favorite meals! It’s funny how when your household is reduced to two, you eat a lot differently. It’s not worth taking out the pots and pans and cooking like I used to back in the old days, when I had a small crowd to feed.
Last night I dug out what I call my Grandma pot, a big steel pot handed down through the generations. I cooked up a batch of sweet and sour meatballs. You could smell the delicious aroma down the street! Those meatballs were devoured in a lot less time than it took to cook them.
The first night Adventure Paul was here, I made my famous tuna casserole. Now let me explain that my husband is not a casserole kind of man, so this family favorite never gets made unless one of the kids shows up at my door. Here’s the good news…Not only did my husband have a second portion, he even complimented me on the casserole. I’m thinking that it might have been the aged gouda cheese that was melted all over the top of the casserole.
Or…maybe … I’m just getting better with age!