Saturday was a day I will play back for weeks to come! My granddaughter was in town and we were going to spend the entire day together! I set my alarm for six a.m. so I could get up, get ready and hitch a ride with my hubby when he headed out to work. Let me mention, that I am not a morning person, at least not that early in the morning! I put in my 25 years of getting up at the crack of dawn to prepare breakfast and get children ready to catch a 7 A.M. school bus. Now I sleep in a little!
I met my visiting granddaughter (and her parents) for breakfast and then it was off to the mall for a morning of shopping. I was a Bubbi (grandmother) on a mission! I wanted to buy my granddaughter a spring wardrobe fit for a princess!
First we found, sparkly gold sandals that immediately got put on so she could dance her way through the mall. (Which she did!) Then we found a gorgeous flowered dress with puffy sleeves and a full skirt, a dress fit for a little princess! By the end of the shopping spree (which went on into the afternoon) we had bags filled with goodies and one very exhausted grandmother!
I received a great big thank-you, a beautiful Hallmark card (thanks to my sweet daughter-in-law) and a delicious hug for all the gifts. But what brought tears to my eyes was when I took my six year old granddaughter to the restroom and she turned to me and said , “Bubbi, you are so generous!”
That was the best gift of the day!