Sometimes in life we discover that what we have at that very moment can be much more meaningful than what we wish for!
The year was 1947 and a beautiful young woman was in love with a tall, brilliant young man. They talked about marriage but the young man always mentioned how he wanted to buy his future wife a big, sparkling diamond. This would require saving lots of money, which was a challenge with the young man being generous to a fault never saying no to a family member who needed something.
One day, the young woman and her boyfriend were strolling downtown and suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. “There it is” she said, pointing to a diamond in a jewelry store window. ” That is exactly my style!” The young man looked at her and asked, “It’s so small…maybe a quarter of a carat. Don’t you want something bigger?”
The young woman smiled at her beloved and answered, “It is a diamond and it sparkles beautifully. It will look lovely on my hand. And look…It’s only $400. What a pleasant surprise because that’s exactly what you’ve saved so far!”
The ring was purchased on the spot and on March 23rd, 1947 the beautiful, young woman married the tall, brilliant man.
My Mother….What a very smart woman she was!