“When I see a double rainbow, I always see it as a sign of something good to come.” Debi Drecksler
Brianna (name changed to protect identity) had been in five foster homes, before she came to our family at the age of three. It was a horrible beginning for a child. In one foster home, she was deprived of food whenever she faced challenges with potty training. When she was brought to my son and daughter-in-law, she was like a wounded puppy who needed tender care and a heavy dose of love.
The first time I saw Brianna, she took my breath away. She was fragile looking but strikingly beautiful! As my son walked toward me holding Brianna, she had her little arms wrapped around his neck, with her head on his shoulder. She peeked at me and smiled. I was instantly in love!
Almost three years later, my precious granddaughter is the pride and joy of our family. She is a healthy, happy first grader who looks at life through the eyes of a child who thinks having a family is the greatest gift of all. People often comment to my son and daughter-in-law how lucky Brianna is to have been adopted by them. They always say, “You have that backwards, we are very blessed to have her in our lives!
Debi Drecksler’s Interview With Brianna…Age six
What makes you happy?
Daddy and Mommy and my family… Ice Cream… The color pink… Water because it makes things grow.
What make you laugh?
Jokes… Being Ticklish
What makes you hungry?
When I see someone eating and I’m not eating.
What makes you mad?
If you had one wish, what would it be?
To be a princess with wings so that I could FLY!
What do you think of when you hear the word Love?