An elderly man lived alone in a small apartment on South Miami Beach. His wife had passed away years earlier but he was blessed with a large family who came by often to visit.
Every day, he walked to synagogue to pray and spend time with his friends from the old country. He was happy and content with his simple life.
When the elderly man became ill with cancer, his family was by his side, making sure that his needs were met. He died peacefully surrounded by love.
After his passing, the children of the elderly man came to his home to go through his things. The eldest son sat quietly while his siblings took what they wanted, eventually emptying the apartment of all the Father’s earthly possessions. When everything was gone, the son noticed an old tin box that no one had taken. He remembered his Father telling him that he had made that box with his own two hands. A creative man, he had built many things in the old country that he had to leave behind when he came to America.
The son was happy to take the old box home to show his children and thought they would one day appreciate it more than the television, radio or furniture from Zaydee’s (grandfather’s) house.
When the eldest son came home, his five children gathered around while their Father shared the story of how their Zaydee created the tin box. As he gently placed the box on the table, his eyes grew misty. He explained that though it was very old and not worth much money like other things in their Zaydee’s house, it was the most precious gift of all.
Noticing that the youngest children could not reach the table to see the box, the Father placed the box on the floor. As he did, a trap door opened up from underneath and a wad of crumbled bills came tumbling out.
It is believed by the family that Zaydee had tucked the money away for a rainy day!
The money found was donated for a good cause and the old tin box remains a treasured gift handed down through the generations.