Tomorrow is my Birthday. I share this momentous day with my sweet cousin Evelyn, my dear friend Stephanie and Oprah.

Several years ago, I wrote to Oprah and suggested that she have a show on January 29th filled with an audience that all share her birthday. She never wrote back…Her loss! Since I’m in the chocolate business, I would have brought chocolate for HER and all the birthday celebrators. And it would have been the GOOD STUFF…Huge creamy peanut butter cups, malted balls that make your eyeballs roll, and much much more! We would have had a chocolate feast!

Well Oprah…You missed the opportunity not only for some really scrumptious chocolate but for a really terrific audience. I can’t imagine anyone born on January 29th NOT being a fun loving outgoing person. We would have had a blast!

But no hard feelings Oprah…Tomorrow I plan to have a super fantastic day …After all …I’m going to be 29 TWICE OVER and that’s pretty impressive. I will enjoy every delicious moment and eat lots of chocolate and be with people I love!

What a perfect way way to spend a Birthday!

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