I just received my 55 th call in seven months from AT&T representatives, asking me if I would like to advertise my commercial cleaning business in their Yellow Pages. Each time, I told the representative that I’ve been advertising my business in The Yellow Pages for 18 years!
Here’s the problem. When we moved our business to the other side of town, AT&T would not allow us to keep the same number but we were able to pay to have the old number forwarded to the new number. This way, we would not lose any of our established customers. The new number would be the one advertised in the Yellow Pages. As we do every spring, we met with a local AT&T advertising representative to place our yearly ad. AT&T The Real Yellow Pages A.K.A. The Big Rip-off Simple? Yes, except for the fact that AT&T has the worst communication between all their different divisions so none of this information ever made its way through the proper channels, which is why we were bombarded with calls to the point of ridiculousness.This disorganization has been the case since Bell South merged with AT&T, which goes to prove that bigger is not always better!
Since moving in December 2008, I have explained the same story over and over again to AT&T representatives who each promise to fix the problem. It has never been taken care of.
AT&T…You really need to get your act together!!

Sometimes I wonder if I didn't take out an ad in the phonebook would there be a crossword puzzle there instead.