A few weeks ago, a friend visited Asheville and I gave her a tour of our fabulous downtown. One of my favorite places to take visitors is the Grove Arcade. As we passed a lingerie shop, my friend made a comment about the mannequins. They were normal sized, unlike many of the mannequins you see in store windows. (The average woman in this country is a size14 but the average mannequin is a size 4.)
The other day, I went back downtown and asked this question to people on the street. What do you think about mannequins that are built like the average sized woman?
Their responses are below:
It’s about time the fashion industry figured out that woman want to see real bodies not stick thin anorexic looking mannequins.They’re not realistic!
Sandra…age 37
I’m naturally skinny so I might have a problem if all the mannequins were large…I wouldn’t be able to visualize how the clothes would look on me. How about mannequins in assorted sizes?
Lori…age 24
I like voluptuous mannequins. Reminds me of my wife. See she’s smiling…I said the right thing and now she’s going to be in a good mood the rest of the day!
Steven…age 46
They need normal sized mannequins that look like they’re over 40. It’s silly to have a young looking mannequin modeling clothing obviously designed for older woman.
Shirley …age 68
I don’t know if women would want to buy clothing displayed on size 14 mannequins. That seems pretty big to me.
Kim…age 16
I think mannequins should come in all shapes and sizes just like real people!
Robert…age 70
If I see something I like on a mannequin, I look for it in my size. I never paid much attention to how big or small they were…But now I will!
Readers…What are your thoughts?