I have a pint sized visitor arriving early tonight and I’m happily preparing for her visit. Who is she? My one and only, “favorite” grandchild, the most adorable six year old on this planet.
Though we don’t get to see each other very much, she and I have a very special relationship. For starters, how many kids have a “Bubbi” who has a chocolate business. In her little mind, the only thing better than that, would be if I owned Disney World!
Secondly, I have a doll collection, every little girl’s dream! My china cabinet is filled with dolls ( I never owned any fancy china) and there are even more dolls sitting on tables just waiting to be played with. (By someone other than me!)
Last but not least, I’m her “eccentric” Grandma which is very appealing to a six year old, who likes to sing, dance and find the magic in life!
It is a magnificent day. The sun is pouring in through the skylights, filling the house with brightness!
A perfect day for a visit from the sunshine in MY life!