I’ve come up with a great way to sell my house (if there are no offers by the time our listing expires) and make a family’s dream come true. How about selling raffle tickets nationwide at $100 each?!! I’d have to sell 2,400 to reach our asking price (just reduced again), which due to the poor economy is much lower than what the house was appraised at! I’d donate $5,000 of all proceeds to a local charity because I would be so grateful to have my house sold.
Imagine how excited the winner would be to have a gorgeous 4 bedroom, 3 bath house with a BONUS room (another big room with wall to wall closet) AND a beautiful mountain view. Taxes are low and the neighborhood is clean, safe and picturesque.
I would get local coverage of my story which I’m sure would be picked up by one of the major networks. A national news story with no violence or sensationalism. How terrific is that?!
I would spread the word on the internet directing people to a magnificent website designed by the one and only Paul Drecksler my favorite youngest child and the most internet savvy guy I know! Being the “queen of bloggers” (my daughter Heidi’s nickname for me) I would post daily updates for my loyal readers.
I know my idea would make a great reality show. Each week, we would profile one of the families who mailed in a $100 check for a chance to win the house! Regular folks just hoping for that one break! Think of all those great human interest stories! Almost as good as being on the Oprah show!!
I believe I’m on to something here! I hope the State of North Carolina would approve this unconventional (but creative) way of selling a home! The point is, the market is so BAD that this would certainly beat throwing in the towel and becoming another foreclosure!! I see this as a “win-win” situation! I also see it as an opportunity for a hard working American family to have a shot at something that might be otherwise unattainable.
Better yet…Maybe my idea will spark so much interest, it will bec0me another viable way to sell a home!
*** If I did not reach my goal of 2,400 raffle tickets, I would have to return all the money or opt to have a drawing based on what I collected.