by debidrecksler | Dec 16, 2009 | Comedy, Human Interest
I have always been a HUGE fan of Sophia Loren and consider her the most gorgeous woman on this planet! Yesterday afternoon, as a thank-you to my darling husband for accompanying me on a shopping excursion, (his least favorite activity), I bought us both a treat at...
by debidrecksler | Dec 14, 2009 | Family, Human Interest
It’s a challenge when you have 1 grandchild and you have to share holiday time with 3 sets of grandparents (and a set of great grandparents) who all live in different parts of the country. Welcome to the modern world! Looking at this I have so many relatives...
by debidrecksler | Dec 11, 2009 | Family, Human Interest
It was 1977 and I was a young wife and mother on a mission. My husband’s birthday was coming up and I wanted to give him a very special gift. Having little money (we lived off love in those days) but being creative, I melted down my best piece of gold jewelry (a...
by debidrecksler | Dec 9, 2009 | Comedy, Human Interest
I had not thought about my junior high school years at Ponce DeLeon Jr High in Coral Gables, Florida until I joined Facebook and received a friend request. Forty five years after going through what I called, ” The Awkward Stage Nightmare”, I found myself...
by debidrecksler | Dec 7, 2009 | Comedy, Human Interest
Comic Alex OrtizAsheville has a new comedy club called The Funny Business Comedy Club and to this aspiring comic that’s music to my ears. I’ve had the fun of seeing three week’s worth of comedy shows and I can’t wait to go back for more!The...
by debidrecksler | Dec 2, 2009 | Human Interest
Debi Nevel Drecksler Age 2It’s fun to be a member of a large family. I can always count on an invitation at least once every year or so, to a wedding or Bar/Bat Mitzvah, which means that occasionally I get to dig out my party dress and dancing shoes. I always...