My 25 year old daughter wears a vintage dress of mine that she looks absolutely amazing in…I wore it at her age and have pictures to prove it. Who would have thought all those years ago that one day I would pass down that dress to the next generation. Truthfully, I just couldn’t give it away……
This summer I was supposed to be going through my closets and eliminating clothes, shoes and purses in preparation for downsizing to our new townhome. I’m having a really hard time with this task because my closets ( alright I took over 2 more of them when the last of the kids moved out) are filled with items I really like.
I love to play dress-up so even though I live in casual clothes most of the time, I hang on to all the fun glitzy things that are worn once every few years. Or how about those fantastic bargains I got on jackets 17 years ago (70% off is nothing to sneeze at) that take up half the closet. We could get another blizzard like the one back in 1987….and I need to be prepared!
My husband does not understand my attachment to my things…”How many pairs of shoes does a woman need?” he’ll ask as I carefully arrange my assortment of see through plastic shoe boxes (which are all labeled of course). Most of the shoes never get worn but I just can’t bear to part with them.
So when moving day arrives we’ll probably be renting two moving trucks. One for the furniture etc…and one for the hundreds of cardboard boxes filled with I’m going to wear them one day clothes, shoes and purses. And because I’m such a caring wife…They’ll be neatly stacked by the door.