The other day I read the funniest Facebook entry regarding a telephone conversation. A man made a call to a cable company and when he finished his business and went to hang up, he said “love you” to the operator. He didn’t even realize he did it, until his son pointed it out to him. Obviously, he forgot who he was talking to.
I’m sure this is not the first time this has happened and caught a person by surprise. As I’m laughing, I’m also thinking, “Is this really such a terrible mistake to make?”
Imagine being on the phone with your cranky boss who is reminding you that the assignment he handed you (10 minutes ago) is due on his desk at 7 A.M. the next morning. Wouldn’t it be nice to say, “Certainly Sir… Love you.”
Or your obnoxious neighbor comes to your door threatening to call the sheriff if you don’t keep your rambunctious dog out of her newly planted flowers. How about saying, ” Will do … Love you.”
There are certainly worse, more embarrassing things that could come out of your mouth!
Your best friend calls you at your office to tell you she suspects her husband is having an affair with one of your mutual friends and you say, “I’ll look into that matter and get back to you in two working days.”
Your boyfriend of seven years gets swept away with the moment and asks you to marry him in the middle of your cousin’s wedding. You get flustered and ask him, “Does that come with an extended warranty?”
What if…
Your beloved Mother-in-law shows up unexpectedly (as always) as you’re cleaning the toilets in your ugliest sweatpants and you holler to your husband ,” Look what the wind just blew in!”
So with all that said… I’m going to make it my mission to start spreading the LOVE vibes. I’m sure it will blow the mind of the next telemarketer who calls!