My daughter arrived safely in San Francisco! Her trip went smoothly, all luggage arrived and her friend picked her up at the airport on time. It was a pleasure having her leave out of our small local airport where people are friendly and helpful and mothers can blow kisses and wave without anyone rolling their eyes.
Though we knew the charges in advance, I was in sticker shock by cost for additional suitcases…In my daughter’s case it was $175 for 3 suitcases total. We prayed that none of the suitcases were over 50 pounds because that would have been an additional charge. Airlines are constantly changing their rules and regulations so it is imperative that you call the airline you are traveling on or pull them up online to get information that applies to your flight.
Another great traveling tip…Check out seat selections online so you can visually select the seats. In my daughter’s situation, she wanted a window seat ( it was her first time traveling to San Francisco).She said when the plane started descending the view was spectacular.She also selected a row with only one other seat which made it easier to get in and out.
After my daughter left, I found a letter on my computer.She wrote…The spirit of joy,peace and success is inside of us at all times. Simply look within to access these great treasures whenever your mind drifts off The Path.
I believe in her beautiful poetic way she was telling me not to worry…She would be just fine.