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A Hooters waitress says she is being discriminated against because of her weight.

My first reaction was, “Hooters? Is this even worth writing about?” Then I thought about it… The incident is a perfect example of why I created the Authentic Me Campaign.

There is nothing wrong with this young woman’s body. She is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs just over 130 pounds. The average weight for a woman of this height is 140 pounds. Her bosses implied she was overweight and told her to lose weight in 30 days or face dismissal. The irony of the situation is… She weighed ten pounds more when she was hired two years ago.

It’s ridiculous ultimatums like this that can lead to illnesses such as The Barbie Doll Syndrome. Shame on Hooters for putting one of their food servers under such unnecessary stress. My hope is that corporate office is sensitive enough to retract their threats of dismissal and offer this young lady a public apology.

What are your thoughts?

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