The mattress search continues. Today, I interviewed several executives at various mattress companies. I was able to see the industry through their eyes.
Here are a few of the comments they shared with me….
The majority of consumers are more inclined to spend their hard earned money on materialistic things that others can see than they will on a good mattress. One gentleman told me a story about a customer who drove up to the mattress showroom in a very expensive car and announced he wanted to spend no more than $400 on a mattress.
Consumers want to pay yesterday’s prices which is why some mattress companies sacrifice quality in an effort to hold costs down. The mattress might look the same on the outside but has changed on the inside. ( Some companies refuse to do this and their prices reflect the rising costs of goods).
It’s all about marketing. It’s what sells the mattresses…..The average consumer is not going to take the time to do extensive research. They are going to quickly read whatever material is available at the store… try out a few mattresses and pick one that feels good at the moment.
I can’t stress enough how important it is to put time and effort into purchasing a mattress. Do not be an impulsive shopper. Take your time…ask all your questions and always try out the mattress. You will be sleeping on this mattress for thousands of nights …Make the right choice!