by debidrecksler | Jan 19, 2011 | Human Interest
Warning…Some of you technologically savvy folks might have a hard time relating to this column. I have included a few definitions to refresh your memory. 1. Telephone…An instrument that converts voice and other sound signals into a form that can be...
by debidrecksler | Jan 12, 2011 | Human Interest
On January 29th, 2011 I will be 60 years old. My funny side is busy writing comedy about being a 30 year old trapped in a 60 year old body. Getting up in the morning now includes setting the alarm clock 20 minutes earlier than necessary to allow all the body parts to...
by debidrecksler | Jan 11, 2011 | Family
Today is my first born child’s 37th birthday. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. After labor pains started early that morning, I went to the hospital but was told that it could be many hours, even days before I gave birth. I left and went to...
by debidrecksler | Jan 7, 2011 | Consumer
“When guests visit the restaurant, they’ll be welcomed into a warm, friendly atmosphere reminiscent of the AmericanWest and enjoy dining surrounded by soft natural materials accented by stacked stone as well as western-inspired artwork that includes bronze...
by debidrecksler | Jan 3, 2011 | Comedy, Human Interest
“My husband is a man of few words. He even recycles his love notes!” Debi Drecksler After almost thirty four years of marriage, communication with my spouse remains an interesting challenge. My adorable husband is content to smile at me continuously and...