by debidrecksler | Jan 28, 2010 | Human Interest
I share my birthday (January 29th) with Oprah, or since I’m a little older, I should rephrase that… Oprah shares her birthday with ME! A few years ago, I came up with a brilliant idea! I wrote Oprah and suggested that she have a special birthday show and...
by debidrecksler | Jan 27, 2010 | Human Interest
Every day, in small towns all over America, hundreds of decent, well qualified men and women pound the pavement searching for work. The journey has been a tough one … Here are a few of their stories. Names have been changed to protect identities. Bill applies...
by debidrecksler | Jan 25, 2010 | Family, Human Interest
After a year of trying to sell the spacious mountain home my husband and I raised our family in, (four realtors and five price reductions later) we have decided to also put our new townhome on the market. This was the home we “downsized” to in a...
by debidrecksler | Jan 22, 2010 | Human Interest
The cover of People magazine recently featured 23 year old actress, Heidi Montag who had 10 surgical procedures performed to make herself feel more attractive. Since then, she has appeared on Good Morning America defending her decision to go under the knife for the...
by debidrecksler | Jan 20, 2010 | Human Interest
On the way to New Orleans, we stopped at a Louisiana Welcome Center. Debby and Barbara, two of the three smiling faces behind the counter, helped with directions, suggestions on how to avoid traffic and make it to our destination safely. I was so impressed with these...
by debidrecksler | Jan 18, 2010 | Human Interest
“My dream is to follow in Charles Kuralt’s shoes and travel the country interviewing amazing people. ” Debi Drecksler My husband and I got on the road at midnight heading on an adventure to celebrate our 33rd anniversary. The highway was deserted on...