A Special Wish

April 30, 1981When I came to pick you upyour teacher told mehow you found a frogin your art smock.He had been missing all weekand so had you-It was your first day back after an illness…I will never forget your laughter as Miss Emily describedhow you found that...

Unethical Sales Tactics

Today I am not a happy camper. As my faithful readers know, I have zero tolerance for unethical people. Recently, I’ve been shopping for a smaller car and after much research and several visits back to a particular car dealership…I made my decision. The...

Develop Your Intuition

I have this gift of intuition …. I call it my inner voice.I feel things when I’m with people often picking up vibes from the tone of their voice, body language and facial expressions. I’ve even picked up feelings from a handshake or a hug.I’ve...

Being On Top Of Your Game

A while back, I wrote about being a savvy shopper …https://debidrecksler.com/be-a-savvy-shopperI believe that this is such an important subject …It is worth discussing again.Let’s talk about banks and other savings institutions….They will offer...

In The Good Old Days

When I was growing up back in the good old days, my parents encouraged all their children to use proper English… and would lovingly correct us if we used a word improperly. I would try very hard often creating my own words which came to be known in our family as...

Proud To Be Their Mother

Today I called my son The Attorney for legal advice…The other day I met with my son The Web Designer to update my chocolate website. I am constantly calling my daughter The Songwriter to ask her opinion about columns I have written. How fast time flies…It...

Getting The Job Done

Taking on a big task? There are several ways to tackle it. Some folks like to get right into it and get it done. Others wait until the last minute and work nonstop ….the adrenaline rush fueling them. And some people like to allocate time each day to work on the...


It’s unhealthy to spend your life feeling frustrated and disappointed because others don’t live up to your expectations…There is an easy way to fix this…Stop expecting anything from anyone!I hear this all the time..”My friends...

And Then Like A Gift….

We’ve been given what I call a weather reprieve…After several weeks of very hot humid weather (atypical for the mountains) yesterday was gorgeous…The kind of day that invigorates you and puts the spring back in your step!Have you ever noticed how...

Patience Is A Virtue

If I was asked to give one important piece of advice to young entrepreneurs I would say…Learn to be patient… Success doesn’t happen overnight.We live in an instant gratification world…I remember the line from Willy Wonka..I want it now! But...