Au revoir To My Favorite Picture

I received a postcard in the mail from the DMV, notifying me that I could come any time in the next 6 months and renew my driver’s license. I’m going to hold out for awhile for a reason that may seem silly, but makes perfect sense to me…I don’t...

Another Night In The Life Of A Comic

I performed comedy again last night at Tomato Tuesdays. ( New French Bar in downtown Asheville.) Most of the young people in the audience this Tuesday were barely out of their teens. For some reason the chairs were pulled up close enough for the audience to count my...

Finding The Humor In Life

I have to keep paper and pencil all over the house so that when I spit out a funny line or two, I don’t forget them. Age related perhaps? Unfortunately, (just like my songs) my best comedy is written in the shower, not the greatest place to keep a notebook. I...

Obama Is Coming To Asheville And More….

A few excerpts from a recent comedy performance… “I’m really enjoying my new pink bicycle. My husband was a little worried because I hadn’t ridden in so many years. Riding up and down these mountains in North Carolina can be compared to having...