Sophia Loren…I Have YOU To Thank!

I have always been a HUGE fan of Sophia Loren and consider her the most gorgeous woman on this planet! Yesterday afternoon, as a thank-you to my darling husband for accompanying me on a shopping excursion, (his least favorite activity), I bought us both a treat at...

How To Really Satisfy A Woman

Your first thought might be to find her a handsome, successful, hunk of a man who caters to her every whim! WRONG!! After years of interviewing women from all walks of life, men came in second to the one thing a woman must have to be truly happy….Read on and you...

Another Great Night To Remember!

Friday night, I performed my comedy at a busy pub mostly filled with a crowd young enough to be my children. At my age, that would include anyone 40 and under! I knew it was going to be tough to be heard over all the noise and action. Having a powerful microphone...