
The woman put her plate down on the table in the darkened room and stared at the empty chairs. She thought she heard laughter but it was her mind playing tricks on her again. The only sound was the washing machine going through its cycles. She closed her eyes…....

The Diamond

Sometimes in life we discover that what we have at that very moment can be much more meaningful than what we wish for! The year was 1947 and a beautiful young woman was in love with a tall, brilliant young man. They talked about marriage but the young man always...

Longing For The Good Old Days

I’m not a prude but sometimes I wish for the ” good old days” when the media wasn’t intent on outdoing each other for “shock” effect. I miss the days when television was watchable by all generations and parents didn’t have to...

Life Is Very Precious

The other night there was a horrible accident on a highway not far from where I live. A tractor trailer crashed into a line of cars that had stopped on a highway. The accident took four lives, two of them young people in their twenties.They were all strangers to me,...