by debidrecksler | Jul 2, 2010 | Human Interest
In 1966, my family moved away from Coral Gables, Florida. It happened during the summer …Sadly enough, I never got to say goodbye to all my childhood friends. Fast forward 44 years…I’m sitting in Woolworth Walk in Asheville, NC staring at the faces...
by debidrecksler | Jun 30, 2010 | Human Interest
I came across this event while strolling through downtown Asheville the other night. What a fantastic idea! We have so many talented artists in Western North Carolina, it makes perfect sense to give them this creative outlet. Ananda Hair Studio regularly features...
by debidrecksler | Jun 23, 2010 | Family, Human Interest
Heidi, Debi, Paul & Richard Drecksler My husband and I forgot about Father’s Day until our daughter, Heidi, called to remind us. Between my husband’s training classes for his new real estate career, our commercial cleaning business and moving out of...
by debidrecksler | Jun 21, 2010 | Human Interest
I was shopping in Kmart the other day and couldn’t help overhearing a conversation between a man and a teenage girl walking behind me. He was obviously distressed. “You are telling me that you have to buy your own clothes with money you make, the man says,...
by debidrecksler | Jun 4, 2010 | Human Interest
Dear Readers, I haven’t disappeared. I’m battling vertigo again and this time it refuses to go away! It’s times like this that I get angry about the attack that ruined my vision and led to these debilitating bouts of vertigo. I’ve tried very...
by debidrecksler | Jun 1, 2010 | Human Interest
The other day, my husband, Richard, received a shocking phone call. Our friend, James, was dead at fifty-four years old. When my husband told me, I just looked at him in disbelief. James couldn’t possibly be dead…not old James as I lovingly called him....