The Cable Virgin Gets An Education

Family and friends used to laugh when they’d hear that we didn’t have cable television. They thought it was even funnier that we only could get reception for two channels and that was when the weather was good in the mountains. We really didn’t feel...

A Very Special Holiday Meal

For the past 23 years, our Jewish family has enjoyed Christmas Day by dining at our favorite Chinese restaurant. It’s a tradition that we look forward to every year. December 25th, 2009 After we were seated and had placed our order, I noticed an attractive...

The Old Tin Box

An elderly man lived alone in a small apartment on South Miami Beach. His wife had passed away years earlier but he was blessed with a large family who came by often to visit. Every day, he walked to synagogue to pray and spend time with his friends from the old...

What A Wonderful World It Would Be

The other day I was shopping in K-mart. After paying for my purchases, the cashier handed me an $8.00 off anything in the store coupon, to be used for my next visit. I thanked her for the coupon and as I turned to leave, I saw an elderly lady behind me with a...

The Big Storm Of 2009

As I’m writing this, I’m staring at over a foot of snow outside my window. It was the cause of massive power outages and hundreds of traffic accidents this weekend. I wonder how something so breathtakingly beautiful can cause so much havoc? Friday morning we lose...

Looking At Life With A Huge Sense Of Humor

Writing comedy means looking at life with a huge sense of humor especially on days when absolutely nothing is going right. Of course, I could always… 1. Down my sorrows in a stiff drink (not an option because even a light beer makes me dizzy 2. Raid the...