by debidrecksler | Apr 16, 2010 | Family, Human Interest
It took 23 years for me to get back on a bike but just like something else (blush blush), you never really forget how to do it! (Did Bubbi Debi just say that?) When I started my search for the perfect bike, I had one prerequisite. It had to be like the bike I had...
by debidrecksler | Apr 12, 2010 | Family, Human Interest
Here is a health tip that won’t cost you a cent and requires no prescription. It’s called, “Learning the Art Of Doing Absolutely Nothing!” I always marvel at how my husband can sit down in his favorite recliner and take a short break from life....
by debidrecksler | Apr 9, 2010 | Human Interest
” I’m sick of the advertising world insinuating that we can’t be attractive unless we purchase certain products and services to rid ourselves of our “flaws”. Debi Drecksler ” Celebrities do not represent beauty. They are expensively...
by debidrecksler | Apr 7, 2010 | Family, Human Interest
I love all holidays and I try to spread a little happiness whenever possible. The other day, I had a strange thing happen that caught me off guard. It was the day before Easter and the 6th day of Passover and I was shopping with my granddaughter. After paying for my...
by debidrecksler | Apr 5, 2010 | Family, Human Interest
Saturday was a day I will play back for weeks to come! My granddaughter was in town and we were going to spend the entire day together! I set my alarm for six a.m. so I could get up, get ready and hitch a ride with my hubby when he headed out to work. Let me mention,...
by debidrecksler | Apr 2, 2010 | Family, Human Interest
I have a pint sized visitor arriving early tonight and I’m happily preparing for her visit. Who is she? My one and only, “favorite” grandchild, the most adorable six year old on this planet. Though we don’t get to see each other very much, she...