Looks Can Be Deceiving!

For some crazy reason, I am fascinated by what people keep in their cars. I don’t peek in the windows or do anything too weird, but if I happen to pull up next to them in a parking lot, the view is right under my nose….practically! After years of studying...

The Greatest Gift Of All

“When I see a double rainbow, I always see it as a sign of something good to come.” Debi Drecksler Brianna (name changed to protect identity) had been in five foster homes, before she came to our family at the age of three. It was a horrible beginning for...

Living the "Here and Now"

I am trying to live the here and now life because at 59, I may be heading toward the last leg of my journey. I’m not being morbid, just realistic. The women in my immediate family have not outlived their men. By my age, my mother was already very ill and...

In A Category All My Own

Last night was my third week performing at Tomato Tuesdays, at the New French Bar. We had a great turnout and the room was packed! Once again, I was the oldest and only g-rated comic, both of which puts me in a category all my own. My Dad used to say, “Keep your...

These Eyes Are Smiling!

I hate wearing tinted glasses when I’m in brightly lit places but unfortunately ever since my eyes were damaged, I see better when I’m wearing them. Otherwise, bright lights (the kind in grocery stores, department stores, etc..) literally blind my eyes....

Don’t Mess With Mother Nature!

Have you paid attention to the latest television commercials for pharmaceutical drugs on the market? They’ll show you a smiling person who goes on and on about how they were totally incapacitated until a certain drug came along and turned their life around....