Life Is A Delicate Balancing Act

Life is a delicate balancing act! And I’ve been falling down and feeling lots of pain all year long! I tried very hard to accept the fact that my vision problems are permanent, a result of being  assaulted.  On one hand, I’m pissed off beyond words (excuse...

The Brilliant Idea!

It was the late 1950’s and my siblings were populating faster than any other family on the block. (My claim to fame.) My Father had built our home in Coral Gables, Florida when I was two years old. It was a duplex, with three bedrooms and two baths (on the side...

On A Cold Wintry Day

A package arrives a few days after Christmas. The writing on the package is neatly typed on an index card and taped to the package. I do not recognize the return address. I open the box and find another smaller box. Inside is a small dark blue velvet pouch. I open it...

"Round Women" Unite!

Karl Lagerfeld — the Chanel designer who infamously said “no one wants to see round women” — is now photographing, well, “round women” for the upcoming ‘Size’ issue of V magazine. excerpt from I’m...

If Debi Drecksler Wins The Lottery

If I win the lottery, I’ve planned out exactly how I’m going to spend the money. I won’t be one of those folks who gets photographed with a dumbfounded expression on their face. Not me!! I’ll just pull my wish list out of my pocket and give...