The Birthday Gift I REALLY want

Fifty years ago, I never would have imagined that we would be connecting with people all over the world via the internet. Back then, you wrote and mailed letters or made very expensive long distance calls. Life certainly has changed…Is it 100% for the better? I...

2016…I am ready for you!

2016 will be a milestone year for me. I am turning 65 on January 29th and have designated myself as “The New Face of Medicare”. This is not because of how I look (though the freckles definitely help to peel a few years off), or even how I feel (I have been...

The Beautiful Nameless Woman

The other day a friend posted an article on my Facebook page. It was about Hitler’s personal photographer and included photographs of Polish Jews shortly before they were sent off to concentration camps. One of these photographs was a beautiful young woman. To...

Delilah’s Morning

Delilah shut off her computer and got up and stretched.  Six hours of writing and forgotten meals made her crave something at the 24 hour diner down the street.  Slipping into her sandals and wrapping her thick mane of hair in a huge bun, Delilah grabbed her keys and...