by debidrecksler | Aug 25, 2010 | Human Interest
Call me old fashioned but I think there are some things that social networks such as Facebook should not be used for. One of them is letting your significant other know by a simple click on the keyboard that the two of you are yesterdays’ news. (Relationship...
by debidrecksler | Aug 23, 2010 | Human Interest
A South Carolina Mother kills her two children because she wants to get rid of them. An inconvenience in her life? What kind of world do we live in? I’m blown away by this story. I would sacrifice my life for my babies.. (Yes…They’re still my...
by debidrecksler | Aug 20, 2010 | Comedy, Human Interest
I like setting myself goals…Some of them are very realistic and some are as far fetched as me suddenly waking up 50 pounds thinner with hair that is manageable! One of my goals is to replace Joy Behar on the View! She’s got her own show now and it’s...
by debidrecksler | Aug 12, 2010 | Human Interest
Last Sunday, hubby and I attended the Village Art & Craft Fair. It was in the 90’s, hot and humid, but the area was packed with locals and tourists. The first booth I visited caught my eye because of the colorful display of artwork. Jayne Vinsant and I...
by debidrecksler | Aug 10, 2010 | Human Interest
It was a very exhausting, stifling hot day and I’d spent most of it working in the office. My husband (in between jobs) drove me over to Earth Fare to pick up a couple of things. The store, as usual, was filled with activity. It’s always more than just a...
by debidrecksler | Aug 6, 2010 | Consumer, Human Interest
I started my professional writing career back in the 90’s writing hundreds of consumer columns. Lately, I have felt the calling again. Typical Doctor’s Waiting Area Several weeks ago, I had a doctor’s appointment. I love this doctor for her bedside...