The Power Of Kindness

Many years ago, I wrote a customer service column where I acknowledged people who gave outstanding customer service. I came up with the idea because I felt people were quicker to complain than say something positive. It is amazing what a difference a few nice words...

The One Cookie Diet

Everywhere you look (online, tv, stores) there are companies promoting diet products, vitamins, and meal plans for losing weight. Millions of dollars are spent on advertising.There are support groups and personal coaches to guide you on your weight loss journey. I...

Living in a Disposable Society

Some people have been sharing on social media how they’ve eliminated toxic people from their lives. Much of this started during the presidential elections when one wrong comment got you a “’re gone.” I question the use of the word...

The Lone Marcher

Even after the presidential election is over, millions of people on social media stay divided, this time by those who marched and those who did not march.  Others have faded into the background tired of being bullied for their convictions. Friendships have been...